Get On With It - Don't Hang Back

“Make yourself known at career fairs. HR people do flag names so make yourself known by offering your CV and having a chat. These contacts are beneficial,” says ASB Start Me Up engineer Daniel Ross.

The AUT Accounting and Information Systems graduate, Daniel now represents ASB at career fairs so he is in the know!

He was one of three graduates speaking about job search on a panel at the Business and Economics Match Ready workshops on Friday.

Daniel started his job search approach early in his third year, applying for graduate roles with every accounting firm he could think of.

“I got turned down multiple times and what that did was to make me rethink and realise that what I really wanted to do was work in a bank.”

So he got a part time job as a teller at ASB while continuing to study – a move he feels made a big difference to his confidence and visibility when applying for ASB graduate roles as an internal applicant.

Don’t be disheartened. Apply for as much as you can and persevere because there are a lot of graduate roles,” advises Daniel.

Preparation is something Auckland Council User Experience Designer Jared Gullett encourages. An AUT Advertising and Design graduate, Jared was another panellist speaking at the Business and Economics Match Ready workshop.
“I left it too late. I didn’t know about graduate opportunities available so never thought about looking for them. It is never too early!”

“It took me over a year to get a job. I had to return home while looking for work in Auckland in the area I wanted.”

And even then, the role he landed - and really enjoys - was not the one he applied for.
“I was too specific with what I wanted to do. Don’t do that. Be open to other opportunities for there are many ways to get to where you want to be.”

AUT Recruitment Consultant Julie Galang advises students to also be persistent with following up job applications.

“If an employer says they like you but you aren’t the right fit this time and could they keep your CV, say yes and then make sure you check in with them regularly. Believe them. They don’t need to say they would like to keep your CV.”