Elabonline? Employability Lab? AUT talenthub?


What is Elabonline? Where is the Employability Lab? How does AUT talenthub fit in?

Employability services at AUT are pretty awesome but they can seem a bit confusing when you first come on campus. Here's a short outline of our services to help you see what we can do for you. Make the most of us.


This is a physical space on City Campus at WA202. And no, it isn’t a laboratory (I know!). It is where we  -

*Deliver practical workshops including information sessions for the AUT Edge Award.
*Invite employers and community leaders to do presentations
*Offer one-to-one appointments on anything to do with careers and employability. Employability Lab

Our great team of qualified staff are based there to help you out with CV and cover letter writing, job interviews, networking and social media skills. They’re also experts in helping you untangle your career dreams and challenges. The Lab also is home to hard copies of the Career Sheets (which you can also get online).

At South and North Campus we offer you a similar service through the Student Hubs.    
Sound like it’s worth checking out? Pop in any time or go online to make an appointment to see someone or do a workshop.


Yep, Elab Online is our digital home and where you sign up for all the events, workshops and support offered by Employability and Careers, including:
*Employability and Career services for students and graduatesCareers
*Employer presentations and Career Fairs
*Graduate recruitment job opportunities
*Employability and career resources

At Elab Online you can also get -

1. A CV online check
2. A LinkedIn online check
3. Online interview practice and feedback
4. Employer information
5. Listings for graduate, internship or co-op jobs
6. Tools to improve your job search and information to help your career planning  
7. AUT Edge Award registration and volunteering information

Graduate job vacancies
Elab Online is also one of two places where employers directly advertise jobs to AUT students and graduates (the other is AUT talenthub, see below). Employers offer graduate roles, internships, part time work, workplace experience and volunteering through Elab Online. Once you register and tick the fields of employment you are interested in, you’ll receive regular job updates.


And now to AUT talenthub, AUT's free specialist on-campus recruitment service. This offers graduate and internship positions for AUT students and graduates in the New Zealand market place. As a graduate, you can apply for talenthub roles for up to year after graduating from AUT.

Internz team 2020Employers provide a job description to AUT talenthub’s two experienced recruitment consultants (left) who create the job advertisement and advertise it on behalf of the employer. The consultants manage your applications for the roles, helping with your applications, doing preliminary interviews and creating a short list for employers.

Internships are also offered through AUT talenthub to AUT students who have completed their first year of study. Organisations that offer AUT talenthub internships include NZTE, Mental Health Foundation and Quest. All roles must be paid positions, whether internships or graduate roles.

Elab Online also has information and contacts for lots of other internships, graduate programmes and co-op type opportunities


The best way to get to see all the jobs on offer to AUT students and graduates is to sign up for both elab.aut.ac.nz and talenthub.aut.ac.nz. We look forward to seeing you soon!