Employ – a – who? Employ – a – you!

Employability. We have all heard it before. We all need it to survive in the big bad world but what does it actually mean?

Does it mean stress and tears trying to make a last minute CV?

Does it mean endless days and nights sending your cover letter and CV to every open opportunity only to have no reply?

Or is something you put off until the last minute before you need to do something about it.

Regardless, employability applies to all of us and if we don’t get the jump on it, it will jump on us! It will leave us high and dry with no alibi as to why we didn’t start earlier.
So how did I get the jump on the big bad wolf?


I took its power.

I decided I would no longer turn a blind eye to the inevitable. I’m not going to be at uni forever and need to feel confident that when I leave I’m prepared with what I need.


Employability power.

So where did I get my power?

The Employability Matters Series is run by the AUT Employability and Careers team. With the array of talented and inspiring people coming to share their stories how could I not take advantage of what was in front of me. I kickstarted  my journey  with three sessions of employability power. After the first few session, I’m feeling pretty employability savvy but I still had a long way to go. After completing my final session, I walked away realising I had more to learn.  There’s a lot to do with so little time and I stopped to think, “What about the students who didn’t come along?”

I realised that the sessions that I found highly valuable could be really helpful to my fellow classmates and friends but I only saw a few I knew. Does this mean I am so far behind or are we not thinking too far into the future? This got me thinking about my top 4 takeaways from Employability Matters.

Tip 1: Start a LinkedIn

If you haven’t already get creating folks. Many of the employers who presented mentioned the importance of having a LinkedIn and how it offers opportunities if you go looking. Need some help? Hit up the Employability and Careers Team ASAP on Careerhub to make a LinkedIn appointment.

Tip 2: Volunteer

Don’t have a job during uni? Need some more worldly experiences? Look no further than volunteering. A few spare hours here and there can make a world of difference to an organisation who needs help not to mention you could someone new who may help you in the future! Note to self. Join the AUT Edge Award to help make this happen.

Tip 3: Network

Unlock the inner extrovert and get out there and network or simply look in your own friendship groups and start there. Networking isn’t as scary as it sounds but it does take small planned steps. Who knows who you may meet on your networking journey

Tip 4: You are more than your grades

Grades are great and they do matter when you are inside the university realm. But if you cannot translate your grades into practical skills what good are they? You are more than you grades so don’t let them hold you back from applying for that dream position.

But you get another go at Employability Matters as the team will be running another series in September. Stay tuned to their Facebook page for more details.

By Ashley Kirkness, AUT Employability and Careers Social Media Ambassador